福山城 英語案内スクリプト





Location: Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Pref., Japan
(Right behind the JR Fukuyama train station)


The Fukuyama castle was built by the lord of this region called Mizuno Katsunari about 400 years ago.

At that time the castle was a strong fortress and a symbol of power.

Even today you can see massive stone walls, some watchtowers and many loopholes in the walls.
*loopholes = 狭間(さま)。矢狭間や鉄砲狭間などがある。

When enemies came, samurai warriors shot arrows and firearms from these holes.

The round ones were for firearms and the rectangular ones were for arrows.

Before World War II the castle tower was a national treasure, but it was burnt down during the war.
*castle tower = 天守閣
*national treasure = 国宝

After the war, it was reconstructed by Fukuyama people.

The appearance is almost like the original one.

We can see five floors from the outside, but actually it has one basement and six floors inside.

The inside is a museum.


This is the main gate to the castle tower.

It is about 400 years old.

The iron bars are for reinforcement.

People usually used the side door.
The lord and some important persons used the main door.

The top of the gate is a watchtower.


This is Fushimi Yagura.

Yagura means a watchtower or turret.

This turret was moved from a castle of Kyoto called Fushimi castle about 400 years ago.

That’s why it is called Fushimi Yagura.

Fushimi Yagura and the main gate are original.

*櫓(やぐら) watchtower, turret


君主、領主 くんしゅ、りょうしゅ lord
城 しろ castle
御殿 ごてん palace
天守閣 てんしゅかく castle tower
要塞 ようさい fortress
石垣 いしがき stone wall
櫓 やぐら watchtower, turret
狭間 さま loophole
鉄砲 てっぽう firearm
筋鉄 すじがね iron bar
補強 ほきょう reinforcement
堀 ほり moat
徳川幕府 とくがわばくふ the Tokugawa Shogunate


Guide to Japanese Castles

Wikipedia: Fukuyama Castle




ゲシュタルトの祈り(パールズの詩)Gestalt Prayer by Fritz Perls
