10月のJTF翻訳祭 選んだセッション



「そこが気になって眠れない—Never Go to Sleep Wondering: Advanced Search Techniques for Translators」
Tony Atkinson

”In a practical demonstration, Tony Atkinson will present various techniques for advanced internet searching, using Google’s search engines and other tools. Participants will also learn techniques for discovering bilingual glossaries and relevant online resources, including or excluding search results, accessing information in the Internet Archive, and using toolbar buttons for efficiently managing search results." 

◎ Advanced Google searching—settings, modifiers, and searching within sites
◎ Searching using quotation marks and wildcards
◎ Including and excluding search terms, languages, and domains
◎ Deciding on the validity of search results
◎ Google Scholar, Patents, News, Books, and Ngram Viewer
◎ Using the Internet Archive


黒橋 禎夫


◎ 意味のベクトル表現
◎ リカレントニューラルネットワーク(RNN)言語モデル
◎ BiLSTMによる文の意味表現と種々のNLPタスクへの応用
◎ ニューラル機械翻訳
◎ End-to-end学習


「How Machine Translation can help you most」
Mike Dillinge

"We have learned many lessons about how to use machine translation to help translators. This presentation will summarize what we learned about choosing and preparing MT systems, about choosing the right documents for translation, about post-editing, and about projects that include machine translation."

◎ Why and when to use MT
◎ When NOT to work with MT
◎ How MT works
◎ How to prepare for translation with MT
◎ Does MT eliminate translator jobs?
◎ How to talk to clients about MT
◎ Technologies that are better than post-editing
◎ Prices for post-editing work

