動画 Cytokine Storm mechanism サイトカインストームの仕組み

Cytokine Storm mechanism | Is cytokine storm syndrome dangerous?


5:10~Effects of Cytokine Storm

Explanation according to the video 

For example, lung cells are attacked by viruses.
  1. Viruses are at lung cells.
  2. WBC go to fight against the viruses.
  3. Blood vessel walls become more porous (thinner) to pass more WBC.
  4. WBC start releasing cytokines (messengers).
  5. Rush of cytokines → More cells rush into this area. Swelling occurs.
  6. Liquid component of blood is moving out of blood vessels, leaving solid cells. → Cause blood clots. 
  7. Blood cannot flow well. → If no blood flows to an organ, the organ will fail.


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