

質問:Do you know ten commandments for good language leraning by Brown, 1994?

回答:Yes, I am familiar with the ten commandments for good language learning as outlined by H. Douglas Brown in his book "Principles of Language Learning and Teaching" (1994). Here they are:

  1. Set realistic goals and work towards them.
  2. Make language learning a daily habit.
  3. Use the language actively and interactively.
  4. Develop a system for learning vocabulary.
  5. Use a variety of learning strategies.
  6. Monitor your own learning and seek feedback from others.
  7. Get exposure to authentic language in context.
  8. Develop cultural awareness and understanding.
  9. Take advantage of opportunities to use the language outside the classroom.
  10. Have a positive attitude and persevere through challenges.
Following these commandments can help language learners improve their skills and achieve their goals.



さらに続けて質問しました 認知とメタ認知的学習ストラテジーについて

質問:Explain me cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies in language learning.

回答:Cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies are two types of learning strategies that language learners can use to improve their language learning.

Cognitive strategies are the conscious techniques and activities that learners use to process, remember, and retrieve language information. Examples of cognitive strategies in language learning include:
  1. Repetition: Repeating new words or phrases to help remember them.
  2. Chunking: Breaking down complex language structures into smaller, more manageable parts.
  3. Elaboration: Relating new language information to existing knowledge or experiences.
  4. Visualization: Creating mental images to help remember vocabulary or grammar rules.

Meta-cognitive strategies, on the other hand, involve the awareness and control of one's own learning process. Meta-cognitive strategies help learners to monitor their own learning progress and make adjustments as needed. Examples of meta-cognitive strategies in language learning include:

  1. Goal setting: Setting specific, achievable goals for language learning.
  2. Self-evaluation: Assessing one's own language learning strengths and weaknesses.
  3. Time management: Planning and managing study time effectively.
  4. Seeking help: Knowing when and how to seek help from teachers or other resources.

By using cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies, language learners can become more effective and efficient learners, and can achieve their language learning goals more quickly and easily.



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