新型コロナウイルス変異株 カッパ、ラムダ、ミューなど



外務省の海外安全ホームページ: 広域情報より(9/17)




大文字 小文字 読み方
Β β beta  
Γ γ gamma
Δ δ delta
Η η eta 
Ι ι iota
Κ κ kappa
Λ λ lambda
Μ μ mu

WHOのサイトから variants of concern(懸念すべき変異株、特に対応すべき変異株)と variants of interest(関心のある変異株)の定義について

Variants of Concern (VOC)
"A SARS-CoV-2 variant that meets the definition of a VOI (see below) and, through a comparative assessment, has been demonstrated to be associated with one or more of the following changes at a degree of global public health significance:
  • Increase in transmissibility or detrimental change in COVID-19 epidemiology; OR
  • Increase in virulence or change in clinical disease presentation; OR
  • Decrease in effectiveness of public health and social measures or available diagnostics, vaccines, therapeutics"
Variants of Interest (VOI)
"A SARS-CoV-2 variant : 
with genetic changes that are predicted or known to affect virus characteristics such as transmissibility, disease severity, immune escape, diagnostic or therapeutic escape; AND 
Identified to cause significant community transmission or multiple COVID-19 clusters, in multiple countries with increasing relative prevalence alongside increasing number of cases over time, or other apparent epidemiological impacts to suggest an emerging risk to global public health."




ゲシュタルトの祈り(パールズの詩)Gestalt Prayer by Fritz Perls
